Issue 2
This is the second issue of Phano, edited and illustrated by Amman Sabet, with original stories by Rosalind Moran, Marisca Pichette, Ian Salavon, Karen Heuler and Renan Bernardo.
A Fridge Door Open at the End of the World
Window by window, she painted over each hollowed out skyscraper.
Rosalind Moran
The Last Harvest
The way they tell it, there was no beginning and no end. It was happening all over again.
Marisca Pichette
Take Me Out to the Algorithm
To close out the season he swung for the fences.
Ian Salavon
The Name of the Game is Love
The heart wants what it wants.
Karen Heuler
We Are Burnout
What happens when we give more than we can for productivity’s sake?
Renan Bernardo